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Champery Swisshotel

Commissioned Paintings

As an artist who seeks the personal story of persons interested in my work I am actively trying to link my style and passion to the emotions and experience the depicted landscape awakes in the customer. Based on that exchange of thoughts and personal story I elaborate 4 concepts of the ideas out of which I create 2 or 3 paintings according to my artistic intuition ending up in the choice of the patron to select one, all or none.

Price range is 100 x 100 cm approx. 3500 CHF.

Personal family illustrations

Bespoke Illustrations

Based on the same artistic and  communicative approach as for paintings I aim to iteratively create personalised illustrations in a classical drawing style upon customers feedback and create digital derivatives accordingly on demand to be published on virtual platforms and social media.  
Price: between 50 and 200 CHF, depending on size work

Davos Switzerland, lino-prints

Lino Prints and Designs

I work collaboratively with the customer to design the idea, create the lino print tile and deliver the final artwork in form of a limited number of physical prints which can be transformed into a digitalized version according to the intellectual property agreement with the artist.

Price: from 200 CHF, depending on the size of the work and the required tooling. Price includes 2 real prints and a web file.

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All images are © Copyright Joanne Finnegan

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